Art$upport Fund
The Art$upport Fund strengthens fundraising planning and resources for small arts organizations and emerging arts initiatives in the Milwaukee area.
The Fund is a legacy of and memorial to Patricia Wyzbinski of Management Cornerstones and the Nonprofit Management Fund (NMF) and her commitment to the belief that the arts stimulate the imagination, enrich the economy, educate our children, bring people together, encourage new talent, and define community.
Art$upport is not seeking proposals at this time.
The Fund is administered by Create Wisconsin and Pat’s husband Scott Gelzer, with guidance from:
Eloiza Altoro, Fund Advisor
Nonprofit Management Fund, Milwaukee, WI
Lynn Lucius, Consultant & Advocate
Milwaukee, WI
Jim Marks, Former Vice President and Director of Grant Programs
Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Milwaukee, WI
Denise Patton, Principal
BDP & Associates, Houston, TX
Current Projects
Journey through the Pandemic
A report documenting how three small Wisconsin Arts organizations are adapting to the pandemic and how they plan to thrive when they are able to offer in-person programming again. The data and stories gathered will be shared statewide and beyond. Each of the three organizations will receive a planning grant and assistance from a graduate student working under the auspices of Create Wisconsin. The findings will be publicly disseminated later this year.
Supported a Nonprofit Management Fund Jumpstart project with The New State Theatre, on Milwaukee’s west side.
Previous Projects
2020 - Supported Imagine MKE and United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) Pandemic Artist Relief Fund
2018-2019 - Supported fundraising and evaluation projects with Ex Fabula and True Skoo in collaboration with the Nonprofit Management Fund and its JumpStart project
2017-2018 - Established a program framework and consulted with small organizations in the Milwaukee area to determine issues and actions.
The Art$upport Fund is made possible by generous donations from Patricia Wyzbinski’s family, memorial contributions from Pat’s friends and colleagues, and administration and management by Create Wisconsin. 100% of all contributions to the Fund are used to support the goals of the Fund.
Nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations, and groups affiliated with a fiscal receiver
Operating budgets of $500,000 or less
Ideas can be new or expand on current initiatives. Non-traditional achievable ideas are welcome.
Collaborative initiatives or ideas that financially impact multiple groups will be prioritized.